In order to serve the client with 100% service, our company CASTE SK uses long-term cooperation with logistic companies, therefore we can ensure the transport of goods in Slovakia within 48 hours, including abroad within 72-96 hours, depending on the availability of trucks.

Options for goods transportation:

  • National road freight transport
  • International road and sea freight transport
  • Combined international transport. In order to carry out the transport as efficiently as possible, the most advantageous combinations of means of transport are by truck and ship.

Implemented distribution routes:

  • Slovakia
  • Czech Republic
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Italy
  • Croatia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Lithuania
  • Spain
  • Macedonia

Packaging options:

We focus mainly on pallet packaging (pallets covered with foil) - the whole truck or just few pallets.

Packaging in paper boxes is also an option if it concerns sea transport in containers.